Saluting women heroes throughout our military history

During Women’s History Month, we have an opportunity to call attention to the incredible contributions women have made throughout the more than 200 years that they have been serving in the U.S. Military.

In recognition of their service and contributions, we want to remind all women service members and veterans that Vets4Warriors peer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Through our confidential peer support service, our veterans share common knowledge and experiences, and can provide emotional, social or practical help. We want to provide the support you need exactly when you need it.

At Vets4Warriors, we want to pay special tribute to women Veterans, especially those that have made the ultimate sacrifice. There are many who also have left an indelible mark on our nation’s history, paving the way for women who serve today. These women exhibited courage and ingenuity often under the radar or without acclamations during their time of service.

If you want to be inspired by women from multiple generations discussing the realities of being a woman in the U.S. Military, watch Overcoming Challenges: Women in the Military, a thought-provoking discussion for the National Archives about the evolution of women’s roles and responsibilities in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Facing unique challenges

Women face challenges during and after military service just like their male comrades, but there are also unique challenges.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports that women are the fastest growing group in the Veteran population, with more than 2 million women veterans living in the U.S. today.

VA reports that many women veterans experience “trauma, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and/or reproductive mental health conditions. Some also face medical and social issues that affect their relationships and quality of life.”

According to the Women’s Health Sciences Division of the National Center for PTSD of the VHA at Boston University, reports the Chicago Tribune, “female veterans face unique challenges not only during deployment, but during the transition back to civilian life. Like their male counterparts, many women veterans return with physical wounds, PTSD or even problems with substance abuse or depression. In addition to these challenges, female veterans may also face difficulties readjusting to life at home, finding social support and career planning. Many of the services for transitioning veterans have unintentionally been geared toward men.”

Wounded Warrior Project’s 2022 Annual Warrior Survey reveals that “women warriors were more likely to have attained higher education than male warriors,” however they “earn on average $100 less weekly than their male counterparts.” The survey also revealed that 16% of WWP women warriors are unemployed compared to 13% of male warriors.

Having awareness of the challenges women veterans may face, Vets4Warriors is proud to serve, support, and act as a source of connection for all women in our military and veteran community.

Vets4Warriors is here to serve

To all the women who persevered, broke down barriers, and shattered glass ceilings to serve, and to the families who support them, we see you, and we support you.  We are waiting to hear from you, and want to help you gain access to all of the benefits you are entitled to.

We are Veterans helping Veterans. Vets4Warriors peers have been trained to share common knowledge and experiences, and provide emotional, social and practical help. We assist callers with a variety of issues that we ourselves, in most cases, have already been through.

There is no physical, mental or social challenge for which we can’t help find a solution. For women Veterans who are looking for a female peer with their shared experience, we have women on staff who can support you no matter what your needs may be.

Our peers are waiting for your call.

How to connect with Vets4Warriors

If you want to connect with a peer to talk, chat, or email visit or call 1-855-838-8255. Our peers are standing by 24/7, 365 days a year.