

Warriors Stories

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An Army Veteran’s Story – Non-combat veterans are still veterans

A US Army Veteran called in looking to speak to a fellow Veteran. The Veteran received our number through his local 2-1-1 telephone line. The Veteran was unsure if he was calling into the right phone line and mentioned he had not served in combat. The peer assured the Veteran that it is fine that he did not go to combat; we speak to veterans from all different walks of life, service era, and branches. The peer asked him for some information about himself which he was hesitant and reluctant to share due to his worries about data breaches. The peer shared details about the Vets4Warriors program and explained that his information is kept confidential.

To allow the Veteran to feel comfortable with sharing what was on his mind, the peer shared her story about how she started in the military and what her experiences were like and found they both went to the same medical military training school.  This made the Veteran feel more comfortable in exchanging his stories about his time in the military. The Veteran was tearful when mentioning his embarrassment of no longer being attached to the military and the peer provided affirmation that his service was still honorable despite not being in combat; his service is something no one can take away. He also shared he had a rough transition out of the military and missed the camaraderie and connection that he shared with his fellow service members. The Veteran was appreciative to speak to a fellow Veteran who understood him. By the end of the call, the Veteran felt better and requested follow-up support from Vets4Warriors.

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