

Warriors Stories

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An Air Force Veteran’s Story – Assault, addiction, laughter, and hope

An Air Force Veteran was transferred by VCL to Vets4Warrios. The Veteran just got divorced and was a little down. He had been married for a month but had been together with his ex for a year. The Veteran admitted being addicted to alcohol and had been six months sober until his wife brought home a bottle of vodka. His wife was arrested for assault because she sliced him and hit him.  He did not retaliate, and the peer praised him for just walking away.  The two met while in rehab and the Veteran knew he shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship with another addict. The peer stated that certain things happen, and that when it comes to emotions, sometimes his emotions and feelings can put him in a vulnerable state. After his divorce, he moved to another state to live with his mother, and he felt bad that he was 40 years old living back home, even though his mother was his biggest supporter. The peer stated that some things happen for a reason, and that being at his mother’s house maybe a good thing because now he had support and opportunity and can really work on himself. The peer advised that he shouldn’t beat himself up so much and that he needs to try getting sober again. The Veteran sees what his mistakes were and feels that he can start over again. The Veteran felt better after the call and the thanked peer for listening and making him see that things are not so bad, and that he can get sober again and work to better himself. The Veteran didn’t expect to be laughing and joking with the peer during the call and that he needed that, because things are not so dark, and he can see himself moving forward now.

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