Leadership & Senior Staff

Mark A. Graham
Executive Director Major General, U.S. Army (Retired)
Major General (retired) Mark Graham is currently serving as the Senior Director, Rutgers UBHC National Call Center. Included in his duties is Director, Vets4Warriors and several other programs. MG Graham retired from the US Army on August 1, 2012 after almost thirty-five years of service. His final position was as the Director (G-3/5/7) U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In this position, he oversaw the plans, operations and training for Army forces (active and reserve component) stationed in the Continental United States and ensured conventional forces were prepared for worldwide deployment and combat.
MG Graham and his wife, Carol, are tireless champions of military and civilian efforts to promote mental health and suicide-prevention awareness, and to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health care. To honor the memory of their sons, 2LT Jeff Graham who was killed by an IED in Iraq in February 2004, and their son Kevin a Senior Army ROTC cadet who died by suicide in June 2003 while studying to be an Army Doctor at the University of Kentucky, the Grahams established the Jeffrey C. and Kevin A. Graham Memorial Fund to provide the “Question, Persuade, Refer” suicide prevention program at the University of Kentucky. The Grahams were instrumental in establishing the Jeffrey and Kevin Graham Memorial Endowed Lectureship in Psychology for the study of depression and suicide prevention at Cameron University, in Lawton, Oklahoma. Additionally, they support the ongoing efforts of the Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership, Colorado Springs, Colorado (El Paso County), through the “Jeffrey and Kevin Graham Support Services”. The Graham’s story is featured in the award-winning book, “The Invisible Front: Loss and Love in an Era of Endless War”, by Yochi Dreazen.
MG Graham was commissioned a second lieutenant of Field Artillery in December 1977 at Murray State University. Spanning almost 35 years, MG Graham served in key command and staff positions in the United States, Germany and Korea. Past assignments include Field Artillery Battalion Command at Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Brigade Command in California as the first Active-Duty Army Colonel to command a National Guard brigade in peacetime; Commander of the Battlefield Coordination Detachment, Osan, Korea then the Executive Officer to the U.S. Forces Korea Commander; Chief of Staff and Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Field Artillery Center and Fort Sill; the Deputy Commanding General of 5th U.S. Army/Army North where hesupportedevacuation and relief operations following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; then as the Commanding General of Fort Carson, Colorado and Division West of First US Army.
In addition to his Bachelor’s degree in political science, MG Graham holds a Masters of Business Administration from Oklahoma City University and a Master of Science in National Security Strategy from the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the National War College.
MG Graham’s numerous military awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, the Bronze Star Medal, the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Service Medal and the Humanitarian Service Medal.
Honors and Recognition:
- 2022 PBS ‘Memorial Day Concert’ Featured Story – U.S. Capital
- 2021 Inducted into the US Army Field Artillery ‘Hall of Fame’
- 2020 Moral Courage Award – Headstrong Project
- 2018 Civilian Superior Service Award – State of Minnesota
- 2017 SAMHSA ‘Voice Award’ for Leadership/Advocacy
- 2016 ‘Humans of New York’ featured series.
- 2013 National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’
- 2011 Community Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide (CHADS) Champions Award
- 2010 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Lifesaver Award for Public Service
- 2009 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates nominated Major General Graham for Time magazine’s 100 most influential people
- 2009 Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) Honor Guard Leadership Award
- 2009 SPARK (Suicide Prevention Advocacy Recognition in Kentucky) Award Recipient
- 2009 Shining Lights of Hope Award, presented by the Carson J. Spencer Foundation
- 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award, Oklahoma City University
- 2008 Heroes of Mental Health Award presented by the Pikes Peak Behavior Health Group
- 2008 Distinguished Alumnus,Murray State University
- 2007 Wall of Fame Distinguished Alumni, Belleville Township High School East
- Army ROTC Distinguished Alumni Award, Murray State University
- Member University of Kentucky Fellows Society
- Member Cameron University (Lawton, OK) Foundation