Vets4Warriors®: Adapting for Transitioning Service Members in 2024
by: Major General (Ret) Mark Graham, Executive Director, Vets4Warriors®

As we navigate the journey of this new year, it’s important to look back and see how our community has supported Veterans who are moving into civilian life. Showing positive strides, the Department of Defense recently shared statistics that indicate service members are better prepared for their transition to civilian life today than at any other time in history. Is that it, mission accomplished?  I think not, there is more to do.

At Vets4Warriors®, we’re building on this progress by focusing on the individual experiences and needs of each transitioning service member and their families. We know everyone needs different kinds of support, so we’re always adapting to make sure no Veteran or their family must do it alone.  Families transition too and we want to be there for them along with those serving in uniform.

What is Vets4Warriors®?
A virtual 24/7 community with its headquarters housed at the Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care National Call Center, Vets4Warriors® is proud to be recognized by many as the nation’s leading 24/7 military peer support program staffed by Veterans. You can reach us by phone, chat, or email and soon texting will be available again.  You can be assured that everything you share with us when we connect will always remain 100% confidential and can be anonymous.

We’re Veterans here to support active service members, National Guard members, reservists, Veterans, and their families or caregivers. Each one of our peers has transitioned, and it can be a stressful time.  We will work to find and connect you to the right resources when you need it. We’ll work together until your challenge is solved, before it reaches a crisis-point. The military to civilian transition varies for everyone, which is why we’re here to listen without judgment and guide you through your unique situation.

Our peers understand what’s special about being in the military, like the strong friendships and knowing exactly why you’re doing what you do. We want to keep that feeling going even after you leave the service.

How Vets4Warriors® helps with military transition
For many, military transition is as much about mental health support as it is about finding a new career path. It’s about navigating the intricacies of accessing health care, understanding educational benefits, fostering a supportive community that echoes the brotherhood and sisterhood found within the military, and many other nuanced challenges. This is the holistic approach that Vets4Warriors® takes with the Veterans we serve.

Open all day and night, and every day of the year, we’re here to chat about anything you need help with—like how to find a job, overcoming emotional struggles, getting health care, or just connecting with people who get what you’re going through.

Navigating transition together
As we navigate life’s transitions, the essence of what we miss about our military service often boils down to two fundamental elements: the deep sense of camaraderie and the strong sense of purpose that it provides. These qualities of military life stay with us long after we hang up our uniforms.

Our mission is to ensure that no one faces the journey of transition alone. Whether you’re just starting this new chapter or have already taken those first steps, sometimes the best support comes from those who have walked a similar path.

Reach out to a Vets4Warriors® peer who has successfully transitioned, and together, you can navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories.

How to connect with Vets4Warriors®
If you want to speak with a peer, call Vets4Warriors at 1-855-838-8255, or chat online by visiting Our peers are standing by 24/7, 365 days a year.

‘Discover the Power of Connection’