Dear Vets4Warriors Community,

As we reflect on this past year, we’re immensely proud to be a part of the powerful strides made within our military community. At Vets4Warriors®, our unwavering commitment stands strong: offering 24/7 live peer-to-peer support, guidance, resource connections, and a constant presence for our military members, veterans, and their families—anytime, anywhere. Our team has been answering calls live for over 105,000 consecutive hours.

Since we started twelve years ago, we have had over 840,000 contacts. Since March 2022 we have averaged over 20 new individuals reaching out to Vets4Warriors® every day.  In July and August 2023, the average each day was 25.  Throughout 2023, over 9,800 individuals were supported and we established meaningful connections with 7,550 new veterans, service members, family members, and caregivers seeking our support for the first time.

Last year also was marked by significant moments that have amplified our reach and bolstered our support network.

One of our proudest achievements was the launch of the Vets4Warriors® Ambassador Portal, designed to empower our network of over 150 ambassador volunteers. Our ambassadors are the boots on the ground, promoting our services in communities and neighborhoods throughout the United States and military bases worldwide, and across their social media networks. Our ambassadors also provide valuable insights into the needs of veterans in their communities. 

Our 2023 engagements have been diverse and far-reaching, from the enlightening conversation on Veterans Corner Radio to the national spotlight through our ongoing PSA campaign, striving to ensure that every member of the military community discovers the power of connection.

Sharing poignant insights through an op-ed in the Military Times on Memorial Day underscored the importance of supporting our military community and families who continue to bear emotional scars. Additionally, the promotion of our efforts from VA News amplified our visibility, facilitating greater outreach to individuals seeking our peer support services.

Looking forward, we’re excited about our forthcoming endeavors—the addition of state peers from Hawaii, Texas, California, Washington, Virginia and Wisconsin, a new Vets4Warriors® mobile app set to launch in early 2024, and a new integrated texting platform. This will enhance the accessibility to reach more individuals seeking to connect with our peers who truly understand the challenges of military life, transitions, and life as a veteran, family member or caregiver. Texting will also enable us to obtain ‘customer feedback’ which will allow us to measure our impact with those we serve.

These achievements wouldn’t be possible without our incredible community’s support including our sponsors, partners, ambassadors, individual donors, and all those who have trust and confidence in the work our team does each day. Your dedication and partnership continue to fortify our resolve and broaden our ability to make impactful connections.

As we bid farewell to 2023, we eagerly anticipate the opportunities that lie ahead. Our commitment remains resolute: to be ready, to listen, and to support, no matter the circumstance or for how long.

In the spirit of connection and solidarity, we extend heartfelt wishes for a safe, joyous, and healthy New Year.

Mark Graham

Major General, U.S. Army (Retired)

Executive Director
