The news of former NBA champion Kobe Bryant’s death sent shockwaves throughout the basketball community, and to everyone around the world who followed his illustrious career.

Bryant, one of the most legendary athletes of our time, tragically died alongside his young daughter and seven others in a helicopter crash while headed to a youth basketball academy. An accident investigator said the helicopter reached a climbing height of 2,300 feet before it dove to the ground.

Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel explained during a monologue following Bryant’s death how it seemed almost unfathomable for fans to lose the former basketball star so tragically.

“Kobe was, and I know this might not make sense, the last person you could ever imagine something like this happening to. He was so strong, and handsome, and smart, and energetic …”

In fact, Kimmel’s point makes perfect sense. Our minds do not prepare to lose someone who seemed larger than life, was admired by millions of fans, and who also devoted his life to his family.

Read the rest of the article written by Retired Army Maj. Gen. Mark Graham, director of Vets4Warriors, published on here: