This month, Vets4Warriors celebrated our eighth year of service to the veteran and military communities, and as 2019 comes to an end, we are taking the time to reflect on the successes and accomplishments in the past year. As we go through these milestones, we especially thank all who support us, whether it be those who connect with us, donate, spread the word about our network or otherwise. 

Through continuous growth of our organization, we were able to ensure our strongest 24/7 peer-support team yet. In 2019:

  • We had over 90,000 calls and chats with veterans, service members, their families and caregivers, averaging over 7,500 contacts per month
  • With the help of our ambassadors spreading the word about Vets4Warriors, we were able to connect and help over 400 new, first time individuals each month

Our sponsors have continued to provide us with tremendous support in 2019. We are excited to begin a new relationship with Boeing, while continuing to grow relationships with sponsors like USAA, Prudential, the Bob Woodruff Foundation and DAV Charitable Services Trust. Our sponsors and individual donors provide us with the trust, confidence and support needed to work together to generate long-term solutions for our veteran and military communities. 

This year, we were fortunate to continue collaborating with organizations like the Cohen Veteran’s Network (CVN) and America’s Warrior Partnership (AWP). Our partnerships continue proving to be extremely rewarding collaborations and we thank all of our partners for their continued support.

Overall, 2019 has been an exceptional year as we celebrated eight years of serving our community with incredible supporters along the way. In 2020, we will continue striving to reach more veteran and military community members in order to help them discover the power of connection and reach their goals.

We’re on social media as @Vets4Warriors on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. If you haven’t already, save our contact information, share it with others and never hesitate to reach out – we are ready to serve and support 24/7. Reach us by calling 1-855-838-8255 or by visiting